Véronique Groleau, MD

Gastroentérologue Pédiatre
Professeure adjointe de Pédiatrie
Doctorat en Médecine, Université Laval, Québec, Qc
Résidence en Pédiatrie, CHUS, Sherbrooke, Qc
Diplômée du Collège Royal, Pédiatrie – FRCPC
Fellowship en Gastroentérologie, Hépatologie et Nutrition Pédiatrique, CHU Ste-Justine, Montréal, Qc
Diplômée du Collège Royal, Gastroentérologie pédiatrique - FRCPC
Fellowship de Recherche Clinique en Nutrition, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, USA
Certificat en Recherche Clinique, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
Centres d’intérêts de recherche
Nutrition des enfants avec maladie chronique
Nutrition des enfants aux soins intensifs
Étude de la dépense énergétique (calorimétrie indirecte)
Étude de la composition corporelle
Publications récentes
- Groleau V, Herold RA, Schall JI, Wagner JL, Dougherty KA, Zemel BS, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA. Lead Level Not Altered by High Dose Vitamin D Supplementation in Children and Young Adults with HIV. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013;56(3):316-9
- Roy CC, Groleau V, Beaunoyer M, Marchand V. Clinical Problem-Solving: Short Bowel Syndrome in an Infant. Paediatr Child Health 2013;18(7):357-9
- Groleau V, Thibault M, Marchand V. Use of Fish Oil Emulsion in Parenteral Nutrition: A Review of 20 Cases. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition February 2014;6(1):30-4
- Groleau V, Thibault M, Doyon M, Roy CC, Babakissa C. Prevalence, Impact and Management of Malnutrition in an Inpatient Paediatric Service. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. (Mars 2014)
- Bertolaso C, Groleau V, Schall JI, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas MR, Latham NE, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA. Fat Soluble Vitamin Status in Children with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency on a Nutrition Intervention. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Groleau V, Schall JI, Dougherty KA, Latham NE, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas MR, Stallings VA. Impact of a Dietary Intervention on Energy Expenditure and Growth in Children with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. (Février 2014)
- Roy CC, Groleau V, Bouthillier L, Pineault M, Thibault M, Marchand V. Short bowel syndrome in infants : The critical role of luminal nutrients in a management program. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism (Février 2014)
- Groleau V, Schall JI, Stallings VA, Bergqvist CA. Long-term impact of the ketogenic diet on growth and resting energy expenditure in children with intractable epilepsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2014; 56(9):898-904
- Roizen JD, Danzig J, Groleau V, McCormack S, Casella A, Harrington J, Sochett E, Tershakovec A, Zemel BS, Stallings VA, Levine MA. Resting Energy Expenditure Is Decreased in Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1A. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016; 101(3):880-8
- Bélanger V, McCarthy A, Marcil V, Marchand V, Boctor DL, Rashid M, Noble A, Avinashi V, Davidson B, Groleau V, Spahis S, Levy E. Assessment of Malnutrition Risk in Canadian Pediatric Hospitals: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. J Pediatr. 2019; 205:160-7.
- Mortamet G, Nardi N, Groleau V, Essouri S, Fauroux B, Jouvet P, Emeriaud G. Impact of Spontaneous Breathing Trial on Work of Breathing Indices Derived From Esophageal Pressure, Electrical Activity of the Diaphragm, and Oxygen Consumption in Children. Respir Care. 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4187/respcare.06351
- Bélanger V, McCarthy A, Marcil V, Marchand V, Boctor DL, Rashid M, Noble A, Avinashi V, Davidson B, Groleau V, Spahis S, Levy E. Assessment of Malnutrition Risk in Canadian Pediatric Hospitals: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study, The Journal of Pediatrics. 2019; 205:160-7
- Prout EP, Maqbool A, Shaikhkhalil A, Groleau V, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA. Nutritional requirements. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (Eds). Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics (20th Edition), 2013
- Prout EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Groleau V, Wendell D, Stallings VA. Feeding Healthy Infants, Children, and Adolescents. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (Eds). Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics (20th Edition), 2013
- Poitras, Pierre (mai 2016). L'appareil digestif, Des sciences fondamentales à la clinique. 2e édition revue et augmentée. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 424 pages.